Friday, March 12, 2010


Wtf , 
i was wrong about valencia ;_;
She's so effing mean D:
She made Poor ruibing cry !
whatthehell , 
seriously , 
ruibing & I were the only ones ignored ;x
grrrr , valencia's being bias . 
she was damn mean can ? 
she ignored poor ruibing ;_;
She cried in the toilet . 
& i had to comfort her ;x
its really hurting to see your best friend hurting your best friend . 
& haena is also trying to go with us ,
but valencia's just fuck mean . 
her mom is nice , 
She was uber rude to ruibing sia . 
wtf , whutever . enough la . 
Gooooosh , 
Lupin wonwonwon !
thats just cause SNSD's Oh! wasnt on muBank ;_;
thats just sad . 
LOL , but lupin's awesome :3
2AM's New reality show !
2AMDAY !!!!!!
zomyeffgosh :3
& SeoHwa's WGM !
Spazz non-stop ;D
sbox is getting lamer by the minute now , 
keep asking questions ._.
Failllll :D
Kay whuteevvies ( copied from haena xD ) 
BaiBai Peeople ;3


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