Sunday, May 30, 2010

me wants.

omgomgomg . i wanttt ); 
esp dying for the donghae one :)
+ Hyuk & Kyu's one too !
haha , its official !
My OT3 is KyuEunHae ;D
Kyuhyun is so awesome in ' Puff the magic Dragon ' 
& during SS2 , 
They introduced Donghae as ' Sexy Fishy ' ,
on those big screens at concerts LOL <3
I practically screamed too !
& then he did a BackHand Flip >D

The most funny introduction is yesung's LOL . 
They intro-ed him as ' Bubble Boy Yesung ' 
Bwahahahh , & ' Bejewelled Eunhyuk ' LOL . 
Wait i list them out for you ; 

  • ' Dangerous Cinderella ' Heechul
  • ' Bubble boy ' Yesung
  • ' Sexy Fishy ' Donghae
  • ' Bejewelled' Eunhyuk
  • ' Hottest Baby ' Kyuhyun
  • ' Ultimate Sweetness' Sungmin
  • ' The living work of art ' Siwon ( LOL ) 
  • ' Lovable Blurness ' Ryeowook
  • ' Cutie Pie ' Shindong
Idk Leeteuk's one cause he just sat on the stage .____.

I want a supershow3 , in singapore , with ALL 15 members including Zhoumi & Henry.


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