Friday, May 14, 2010

Roo ;

omgomgomg , Jjongbb has a doggggg !
But its for his sister ;3
its so adlksjk cuteeeeee(:

His Me2Day Post ;
[JongHyun] 울 누나 생일선물로 분양 받은 녀석!!!
이름은 'O루' 풀네임 맞추면 영상 품. Ps. 나 흰손아님 ㅋㅋㅋ

[Jonghyun] This rascal was a sale that I bought as a birthday present for my noona!!!
Its name is '____loo.' If you guess its full name, I'll post a video. Ps. I'm not lying, kekeke.

DAMN CUTEEEEE CAAAAN ?  Seriouslyyyy manzzzz.
But Jjong's position while taking the photo is damn wrong . 
ROFL . GAAAAAAH . i wish im Roo . 

the video he promised to show everyone ; 



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