Wednesday, May 20, 2009

There's a time for forgiving

Hmm ....i guess the title says it all . there's a time for forgiving , and ive been forgiven . well , my mom found out about the 90 marks thing then she ignored me . ( oh well , arent they a handful? ) she said i must write something . OMG , i forgot to write ( FOR WHAT????) anyways , she say the usual things , like most mothers do . then she didnt encourage me =( she scolded me instead . then she went for her golf after work . then i photo-copying the damn exam papers till 9.00 ?? yeah , then i had to do my chinese paper corrections . i do half-way only , as i dont really care about the minor ones . i think my mom forgiven me , as she 'huged' me when she went out for her after work golf . well , what did your parent do ?? tell me in school or MSN . thx . i want to know what other ppl parents did . im sneakily blogging right now as i cant have a blog . ( ok , watv ) i just wanna have a blog . oh , and how did you tell your parent (s) ? tell me and i'll tell you . memories aint forgotten .


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