Friday, November 20, 2009

Hai :D

Hello peeps , just finished mah tuition xD so happy :D big font xD  whatever . im so excited at the fact that MAYBE im going korea .... JUST MAYBE & IM SO EXCITED ? WOW . hahs . nvm . having a craving for bubble tea and Teenage Magz like now lah . New Issue of teenage = Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on Cover <3 OMG , NEW MOON . Aiyaz , ystd saw at parkway , but i wanted to be guai , so i didnt buy it lah . i saw the cover and was like : OMGOMGOMGOMG !!! NEW MOON ......XDD Crazehh me as always lah .
Love ,
Claire your Crazehh Girlzx ((:


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