Thursday, November 19, 2009

weird things .

The title itself is weird....i think .. :) Here i am sitting on the chair , thinking of what to write , so i just write about weird stuff thats happening in my life xD time for ............CLAIRE'S WEIRDLY WEIRD TALKTIME ( LOL )
1- So weird , i saw 2 taonan pupils ( actually one ex , hannathon's Sec 1 Sister ) with the Ring Ding Dong video on their blog . Weird cos i didnt atually knew they even KNEW SHINee .
2- The TaoNan Pupil said she LOVED JONGHYUN . ERM , IF YOU DIDNT KNOW , JONGHYUN IS MINE XDD . I dont even know her , but who cares ?
3- Suddenly Made up with Kay . Not with Vanessa Dione and Rebbecca Though . :(
4- 2PM'S new song Heart Beat rocks , but the first part which is taec's and chansung's part scares me to death . weird .
5- When i logged on to FB notes , The place to write notes ( type actually ) , was Awkwardly small . i cant see a damn-ass thing .
6- No one is replying me on MSN . Weird . is it a coincidence ???!!! i think not lorh. purposely one .
7- Park Bom's You & I is addictive . why is it weird ? cos i played it many times and my itunes crashed -.-
8- The wrd SHINee makes me want to talk about them . You all may call me crazehh , but im completely sober . why weird ? cos im hallucinating , NO ONES TALKING TO MEHH .


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