Monday, February 15, 2010

Finally giving you long posts :D

HaiHai (: 
Sfi is finally up . 
But super lag :[
lmao manzxc . i cammed with Felicia for like 3 hours leh wtf. 
Actually coming to 4 hours . Hell . 
I brought Ace into the room many times cause they wanted to see . rofl . 
Hah , Finally cammed with Daphne too !(: 
Yahyah , Jamie making noise already . 

LOL . She Cancelled the damn session . 

So sad , i really wanted to talk ;_; 
I was doing retardo faces . 
LMAO . Today's Open house was alittle fail ;X
Muahahahahaha , I dont really think this is a long post but who cares, 
At least i loyally post everydayyy (:
Kaythanks uh . 
And Bye !(:


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