Friday, February 12, 2010

Heyhey :]

Just now , Xing ning , Chermaine & Hanwen Helped me Clean The tray & Doggie Shit :]
Thanks loads !♥ 
Yesyesyes , finally . Haena Lee Taemin coming my houseeee (:
Excited like mad wth . Today Sec 1 Seniors came back :]
Saww Chu Qi , My Choir senior & Debs !(: <3
omfg . Debs totally moved to queenstown lmao .
Gan eng seng secondary ....Hmmmm , Idk whether good or not .
Think Debs was in 6C 2009 .... :]
Oh yah , Bumped into TeoChao at the bus stop .
talked non-stop . He was like talking about this girl from tns who repeated P6 . wth
OMFG . i didnt know 6A People could Go to broadrick leh x)
Maybe Broadrick not very good . idk .
Oh yah , now then i realised Val was in ManJusri -.- wtf .
Hehe . Petrina's also in Broadrick so no offence .
Kyna's PSLE Target was like 199 :-O
I was fooking shocked lah wth .
neways , bye :]


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