Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why the hell am i that pissed -.-

Wtf . I fooking am pissed AGAIN right now :[
Eeeesh , nononononono !
Walao , got super lots of english hw leh wth .
I better go do , later tio scolding .
My henna is fading off :[
Oh yah , speaking of henna , Haena's coming my house to watch MuBank !!!(:
Yesyesyes , i cant wait for friday & Sat . Finally going to see fetard & Jamesbo !!! :D
ohkay , maybe im not that pissed after writing that ^
Haha !(:
Iloveyou Fetard ; IloveJamesboToo:]
& im not les Whahahahahahaha :]
Pon-ed you again . PWNED PWNED PWNED !!!!(:
Oh yah , I fooking stapled the whole damn eureka excercise book . -.-
SHIT . Mr chua is going to get madd :[
& its fucking scary . wtf .


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