Friday, February 26, 2010

SHINee is 짱

Hehe ,
can you believe my math tuition teacher likes SungMin &HeeChul
omfg manzxc  . whatthe . Heechul is not a good choice -.-
Seriously .
She says Jjong bb is Beng D:
I was like , no ! he's Hiao (:
LMAO . & she's like , Oh , i dont like Shini . - she pronounced as shini .
She likes superjunior & sungmin . & She thinks SNSD is slutty & Plastic x(
LOL . But totally didnt know she was like into , DBSK ?
Yeah . hehe (:
Cool right ?
your tuition teacher will never be mine lah .
She's awesome ,
& yours is ....Well , COOL ?! LMAO.


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