Sunday, March 7, 2010

woots ;3

Hehe ,
ystd was damn funny can ?
adkaflp ,
Sabrina ( felicia's friend ) joined us for rollerblading ,
thenthen ,
there was this malay girl ,
i said omfg , theres a pontianak ,
then felicia said ; dont be so mean la .
She was running all over the place sia ,
but shes so cute !
sabrina was freaked out after what tricia told her about pontianak ,
then she kept asking : " eh , how does pontianak eat people , how was she born ? "
we were like : " HOW WOULD WE KNOW ?!"
& then ,
the funny part is that the girl started running towards sabrina with smiles on her face ,
you know ? like perverted type  .
sabrina kept running ,
so me & felicia act abit luh ,
tricia just pretended to act crazy .
lmfao ,
wtfreak ,


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