Thursday, April 1, 2010


Haena lee , are you coming or not ;_;
Gaaah , you cant move your right hand D;
Omg , yes i heard . Netball lost ? 
Wth sad max . Eh dont cry leh , 
I Still have choir SYF , if we lose or dont get gold , 
my chance of DSA-ing is over :O
So yeah , at least youre good in netball right  ? 
dont emo leh . ask them dont cry . 
Ask miss yim dont cry :D
Must happyhappy lar.
me & rb still waiting for youuuuu~
Hehe :D

OkayOkay . Today school was a failure ( except for Science !<3)
seriously . Haena didnt come ( look up ^ ) 
grrrrr , & then i was like damn pissed with vanessa during chinese can ?
i got 25 marks for ting xieeeee D:

Failed . Didnt learn . Wth . 
Pffft, tmr is going to suck okay . 
whatever .
I want to go to qingming , not choir . 
i hate choir . gtfo of my life plrs . 
thanks .


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