Saturday, April 3, 2010


Since i dont feel like sleeping yet , why not me tell you abt today ? ._.

Okay , so i totally like forgot about the SGSFICLIQUE outing ;x
ROFL , cause i was so pissing off about choir tmr so whatev .
then , faith , Char & Jamie + Sherlene & Florence told me how fun the outing was ;D
Heh , totally wished that i could've joined you guys !
& i heard that they celebrated Huishi's & Shenee's bday ? yeah they did x)

eeerm , then i was crapping for about several hours this morning .
Had chinese tuition then ordered pizza.
Btw , its 12.15 am & i asked my maid to heat up the pizza.
that bitch has an attitude problem ,
ask only cannot still hit me ccb.

kkay , so yeah . ugh , im damn tired & hungry so bye.


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