Sunday, June 6, 2010


OMFG , its soy again -.-
& another girl ): 
Jung RyeoWon .____.
im so sorry i cant come tomorrow to support you , 
at least you know us ELFISHES are always behind you !
do your best during the showcase tomorrow , 
LOL , be fun & be kind to the audience , 
they wouldn't want a moody donghae !
saranghaeyo oppa'<3

sigh . 
the dog's gone . 
im sad , really sad . 
I cried , i did. 
My maid cried too ): 
He's in better hands now , 
i feel uneasy without him , 
scared , lost . 
i miss him alot . 
not sitting under my table , 
sleeping soundly .
on my bed , sleeping like a log . 
not running around in the evenings like a crazy dog.
not bringing him out for walks  
not coming into my room , in-out-in-out . 
I miss that . & i love him alot , 
Ace . come back . 


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