Sunday, July 18, 2010

tell me why.

why is this world such a cruel place to live in . 
i dont get planet earth sometimes . 
the people are such weird creatures , i dont get it.
i sometimes feel out of place , people think im stupid.
i have negative thoughts all the time , yes.
but you need to understand why i feel like this .

humans have feelings , i am a human , therefore i have feelings too , 
dont tell me you dont have that special place in your heart , 
deep deep deep down somewhere , where you FEEL ? 
maybe i am immature , but i dont give a fucking damn . 
but still , thankyou god , for bringing me into this world . 
maybe some people are right , this world isnt so bad afterall . 

im sorry , im really bipolar . i switch moods now & then . 
forgive me for saying this to every single one of you out there ...



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