Saturday, August 28, 2010

angry & fustrated.

kpop advice fangirl jjang! :D

anyway , my dads car kindof broke down before we left.
car was out of battery , then we couldnt open the boot.
my laptop all inside , then i was like damn scared.
In the end , could open then went to take ahkors car. ^-^

then im srsly pissed with my mother , 
she said my dad went to malaysia to meet his girlfriend ( what the actual fuck ) , 
helloo? he doesnt have one , & he went there for business , 
so what if you are divorced? you jealous isit ? you no boyfriend ? 
okay lor , i happy :)
dont even talk to me , i swear you're going out again ( she's already out of the house btw) , 
& you're not coming back until the next morning , its like the norm already.
k , some people damn noob on tumblr , noob fangirls , dnw .
ewewewewwwwwwwwww , sorry bitch insulting me ? i dont really like that idea . 

k , off to do my stuff.


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