Friday, October 8, 2010


Day 14- A picture of you and your family. 
- warning , image heavy.

1 - My dog : this picture was like in March - April (?) & yeah he grew much bigger okay , much bigger.
& i dont think i can seriously live without him , I already cried so fucking much when he was given away , but now he's back so im happy :) & yeah we're most probably going to be forever alone together , for the rest of our lives :">

2- My Aunt & My Cousin ( Charmaine ) : Well , this was taken in Orchard's fish & co. & I wasn't there cause I had school . they too , are one of the closest relatives that I have & I love them alot . & Me , Charmaine , Andrea , Isaac , Nicholas & Melissa usually go crazy together , but i'm like the youngest so yeah. we do laugh alot & me & andrea talk about kpop once in awhile /smiles. & my mother's side of the family IS pretty fun to be with as well , lol my aunt always gives me books to read & she gives me food as well whenever she goes on a trip .

3- My Cousin ( Charmaine ) : Same place as the above photo . She's currently in Australia so I miss her alot . We skype-d once & then she totally took a photo of me with the dog on my bed ( not what you're thinking ) .  & yeah , we do go pretty wild & I still miss the times we went to karaoke & made funny faces & used up all your phone memory LOLOL , sigh , i miss you & COME BACK SOON ! 8>

4 - My Cousins ( Felicia , Tricia ) & Me : this was taken last year at my grandma's house , lol we had so much fun back then! & I miss all of you so yeah , NEXT WEEK IM COMING SO NO NEED TO WORRY HAHAHAHHA . <3

5 - Xing Ning : Took this at our house playground , xing ning moved already...i miss her , but i'm glad im still friends with her . I talk to her much , much more now! 


6 - Tricia 

7- Nicholas & My mom.


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