Friday, November 27, 2009

found out new class for yr 2010 !

hi everyone ~ i found out my class for year 2010 already ... its class 6C LOLZX . I IMPROVED .
6C is the 2nd best EM1 class lah xD but sadly , only a few of my friends coming along with me ((: haha. Daren the Puny boy is coming , Mui hwee is coming , Claviene is coming , ANDREW AND MICHELLE ARE COMING ! Alaric is coming -.- . vanessa is coming LOLZX . But Luckily , i have fellow SHINee lover Haena Coming xD Dont be too sad worhs , Lee Ahjumma <3 Rui Bing is coming my class too ((: LOL  . Haha . Most sad is Kyna not coming )): Kyna's going 6B with clement ( Luckily not my class ) , Arisha and rebecca and more ((: LOL . Kay's going 6D . ken ding right , my teacher sure become mr daud teo . but most surprising is Weiting and Dawn going to 6A . OMG . EPIC FAILS :DD Haha . The one i hate the most is Lydia Quah coming my class . but luckily , Vivianna not go my class . im better than her ! She go to 6B LOLZX ! ANOTHER EPIC FAIL ! Im so damn excited larhs =) Woots :DDD The worst thing and best thing next yr is : Having PSLE and Graduating from TNS . YAY . IM OUTTA THERE BABEHH ! But i'll miss TNS ((:
Tomorrow blog again <3
Love , claire .


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