Saturday, November 21, 2009


Hello Peepos , was watching tv after i woke up around 9.15 am . hahs . Thanks To Samantha and Celestine fr Tagging <3 after Guitar , im gonna go to cathay to watch A christmas Carol In 3D !!! Yayerz ;D hahas. Felicia Must Be in the Bus / coach to Malaysia around now . she told me ystd that she will be leaving SG at around 5.45 AM !!! CRAZEHH !!! Hahas . she will be back exactly one month before my malaysia trip on december ends on the 24th :D So Coincidental . Hahs . Yay , tmr no Aikido lesson xD cos of Adult Grading exams . Good Luck Christie xP Hahs . Now gonna bathe bye :P
Love ,
ExcitedExcited Claire :D


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