Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sorry for not blogging lately :P

Hey Guyzx , sorry for not blogging xD was too caught up voting for SNSD to come to SG xDD was on soshified . MustMustMustMust go to sistic to spam vote siah :DDD . Lmao . I hope Suju and BigBang Comes too xDD Hahs . Most is SHINee . SHINee is going to the philipines :(
LOL . Ystd had Big Spam fight on Msn with felicia and "Ell" -.-  But whatever . Good Luckzx Felicia , PSLE results yeah ? Haha . Friday = Dinner at mom's frens' house xDD Yahoo ! I recieved a damn complain on SFI . Saying that My Signature was too damn big . -.- lame lah . So i lowered it down to a Size 2 lorh . Included link of This Blog xD CopyCopyCopy :P
COUNTDOWN : 22 MORE DAYS TO MALAYSIA :DDD Oh yeah ... ystd was 25 right ? So 29 days to christmas day xD
Laterzx .
Love , Claire .


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