Monday, April 19, 2010


Haena : " Yesss D: " 
Loving my LG Lollipop ( Surry , cant stop bragging xD )
ohyeahs , KimJongHyun Hubbbbs , Iloveyouuuuu Haaarrrrr sosososo muchzxc as i want to ! ;D
Sorry , hypering . Oh yeah , The JongSica issue ....
ROFL . I saw some pictures of Jonghyun & erm , Jessica playing with each other at the
SNSD Concert in shanghai . ROFL , damn funny . He Pushed a cake in her face .
& He also did that to sunny ._.
Not that i dont like sunny , she looks fooking funny like hell . seriously .
& then Jjong was like laughing like mad fook . ROFL , go see lor .

Kkay , i think i screwed my CL oral .
Gah , didnt really prepare for it . & if you wonder why i can use the comp ,
its because my mother didnt take the laptop away . { Guess she forgot xD }

so whatevvies , bb(:


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