Sunday, April 25, 2010


so on 23rd of april 2010 , popo left us .
well , she ended her 1 month long of suffering .
didnt need to stay in that ass hospital no more.
& she already got wish by staying at my house.

& at like 4am that day , my mother called my aunts & uncle down .
Seemed like popo was about to go at that time . but all was calmn after that .
but at around 1.30pm , my mother & two aunts & uncle went to giant to buy food for dinner that night ,
thinking that we would eat alot after two grueling days of preparing for popo's discharge .

She was really happy that she was coming back ,
& you know what ? she was singing & dancing in the hospital ! Haha !
at 2.58 pm , she left us . halfway when my yima was reading bible verses to her.
i rushed into the room immediately after my teacher left .
& my cousin too  . & we witnessed the whole thing .
so yes , ofcourse we cried. so did the two domestic helpers .

My mother rushed back home too  .
Well , even though she's not with us physically ,
spritually she is . & she's with god now .

God said : " i am the ressurection & the life . He who believes in me will live even when he dies "
& that is really true . it was a calmn funeral . & a peaceful one .
& im really glad that she left this world in peace . & she is truly in paradise.


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