Thursday, July 22, 2010


ohmygod how do i start this .
recently there's this guy i really like.
he's in my class & he's pretty cute in my opinion.
and today during english ...we were doing letter-writing.
& we had " secret pals" , so my teacher handed out the icecream sticks by random to us .
I recieved his icecream stick . I was soooo fucking happy & yet worried about how he would react to my letter.
I wrote : Dear ( im not going to say this here) , 
the reason why im writing this letter to you is that i think you are really friendly . 
I like your name alot as it's really nice & it sounds like my name . 
I like you because you are very good in your studies ( obviously fake LOL , i wanted to say i loved him HA.) 
& i advise you to focus more during the coming Prelim Examinations . 
Sincerely ,


i cant fucking believe i wrote that . the end of english , the teacher gave back our letters to the secret pals .
I recieved Valencia , But i was really keen to recieve his letter.
sad enough , he doesnt like me , he likes vegetarian girl instead . fuck yes i know ;____;
BUT , he took my letter that i wrote from the teacher , i immediately hid under my table .
guess what ? he laughed at it , like sweetly omfg :) I was fucking excited LMFAO .
then he said a thank you & then he smiled at me again , fuck yes i was damned <3
he's the 149739th guy i liked actually , LOL . Others was just puppylove but i really love him dlsajkjk.

i hope we can get closer , more than just friends :D


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