Wednesday, July 28, 2010


wheeee , i love kseoul ! :) 
School was fun today (Y).

i only love wednesdays , heehee.
omg im super lethargic ! D:
need more vitCs OTLOTLOTL.
eeewwww , i have nothing to blog about!
btw i hate it when the people from the smarter classes look down on us , 
the not-so-academically-good classes , they think we're ahlians.
well , maybe the last class IS , but not everyone is.
i dont regard them as nerds! , i just think they're selfish if they think of us this way.
if you guys can go to DHS , Chung Cheng , NanyangGirls , RGS , 
why cant we? after all , WE ARE OF THE SAME AGE & WE ARE UNITED AS ONE LEVEL.
i cant let people think we're lazy & stuff , we worked harder ! ( my class),
we didnt have breaks like the other classes have , & we push ourselves okay!
but , its not our fault if they dont want to believe us . 

they were like , ' omg get away from our territory , this is our class , if you want to meet teacher for corrections go back to your class lah , here only for us '
im like , wtf ? okay , in the first place , 
the teacher asked US to go to your class , its not like we want to go right , 
walk so far , sibei tiring lah .
wait until i get higher then you lazy bums then you know!



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