Wednesday, August 11, 2010

jongkey ? jongyu ? cant pick.

jongkey still exists in my life , no doubt.

i love both jongkey & jongyu , 
but actly , jongkey is still #1 to me , forever & always , 
i cant change it to jongyu , i cant.
im sorry emily , but ever since i was into shinee , jongkey already existed . 
& i'll forever ship jongkey , no interactions , or there's interactions , forever otp.
its hard to get used to jongyu , its like im betraying key or something.
& lol , i kindof felt like he knew i changed my otp or something , that feeling irks me too much.
sooo ummm , jongkey forever .
i'd rather onkey or ontae but jongyu is still one of my favourites.
but jongkey forever . 

im sorry you guys , i just cant seem to get used to it , i cant , i really cant.
urgh , this is fustrating , onew you're my 2nd bias & key , you're my 3rd.
i know im being selfish , but i really do wish for jongkey to be my otp again.
come back plrs , jongkey ? i miss you guys.
& onhyun ( WHICH I PREFER CALLING JJONG X ONEW ) , i love you guys too.


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