Sunday, August 29, 2010

sunday blues.

HAHA , junhyung , you & your awkward aegyo <3
Beast cheers me up all the time , they're so fun & lively always .

oh man , im having like sunday blues , dont even feel like going to school tomorrow , have to 
present like science newspaper articles in front of the whole class , but at least im prepared.

this just came out ! todays the day of the 2010 incheon korean music wave concert!
sad like im not going to be there , its almost like kpop night im sure ? HAHA , guessing.
& reference to the picture above , siwon-donghae height difference . & siwon looking 
like a GQMF ey ? k , donghaes hot as usual ! :)

& snsd is so fucking gorgeous :O as always , jeti is together ! 
& yoonyul too omfg /flails arms like a hyper yoonyul stan.
girls , fighting for your japan debut! you guys are already
making waves all across asia , so japan wont be a problem right? :D

& i swear this guy here will never not be a GQMF , just like siwon ;>


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