Tuesday, April 27, 2010

high egos.

Heyyo !
Leg feeling fooking numb ttm . 
oh you know what ? 
Some TKGSians were at comics connection on monday , 
then they were like browsing through the 2R SHINee Photocards . 
& yeah , i went there . So this girl was like : " I WANT JONGHOON ONE I WANT JONGHOON ONE !"
I was like wtfk ? JongHoon ? ugh please . Please Enunciate properly okay . its HYUN not HOON ._.
& then another girl was like : " I WANT ORHNEW ONE I WANT ORHNEW ONE !"
Argh , then i got fking fed up . so i stepped on the JONGHOON girl's bag . 
She said sorry . Ha(: Pwned . 

what an ass sia . Okay , so bought two nametags .
JongHyun's & Yoona's one . Yoona's is pink btw(:
Bought Key's photo for felicia . 
Then bought myself JongHYUN one ;D
Heh (: Oh yeaaaah , i replaced my SHINee JongHyun HP strap to another one which is the same . 
Cause i broke it accidentally ;x 
Fail ttm >D

Oh yeah , thankkkkks Chengwen & Crystal For giving me that SHINee Photo , 
that was awesome ! Haaaa(:



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