Thursday, September 9, 2010

what happens next?

I dont get something . 
since this year , so many people are starting to love kpop in my school.
Not that I hate them , but they're so fucking biased . 
theres this girl with the same biases as me , she just got into kpop . 
She keeps claiming jonghyun & DONGHAE in my face.
okay , like I needed to know that -_-
& I guess people here already know how obsessed I am with donghae right?
yeah I guess she knows too , but she keeps claiming him as her husband in my face.
please bitch , you wont ever stand a chance , & did I claim him in your face much less claim ? NO.
so yeah stop the crap & just walk out of my face please.
HAHA , I dont mind people liking my biases , but srsly , claiming ? HELL NO .
I'll just claim back *v*. 

I get alot of haters because I stan donghae & stuff , fuck off if you srsly want to pick a fight.
& I really needed to do _|_ this in their face . ( by the way , I gave them two fingers.)
I dont like new AND rude kpop fans , thats it .
if they're new I can understand , but rude ? sorry bitch no making friends ^^v.

btw , aftermath was scaary , so many noob fans anti me . 


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