Sunday, October 24, 2010


i miss 2008 kpop alot & i guess all of you others with me will agree too .

argh fuck , did anyone know that i loved shinee & jjong since then? no you didn't

I miss this okay .

enough of this . 2009-2010 kpop was absolutely fucked up . I hate all the fucking fake fans , nevermind that they're fake , they're also new . bear in mind , You have no right to comment that all of us are noobs or whatever because all of you are motherfucking losers . , "shinee is mine " , "yoona's mine get the fuck away" , " donghae is mine fuck off bitch " , i don't mind that really , but i hate it when people spam me with this type of fucking shit that isn't even cool . okay , stop including all this crap in your tweets . & about tumblr , I may have joined this year in april 2010 , but I enjoy it so much & I hate it when people ask me to promote them . Fuck no , I will never promote you or anyone else . If my followers take me as a promoter , then just seriously unfollow me . I'm so motherfucking pissed with all of you . You may be pissed with me as well but I actually don't really give a fuck if you do . 



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