Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy.

1 - Dimsum , because i love cha siew baos' & siewmais'.

2 - Sushi . Who the hell doesn't love sushi? I love them to bits.
3 - Cup Noodles / Maggie Mee , sobs my lifesavers.

4 - Strawberry Ice-Cream , lovelovelove x infinity . 

& lastly , Super Junior.

They always make me happy ide , & seeing them working so so hard , makes my heart ache for all of them . All the members may not be physically with them , but in their heart , I know all 15 of them are together. I may not see them until next year , but I am definitely going to super show 3 , to support them. <3


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