Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy 5th Anniversary , My Boys .

Super Junior . It's finally your 5th Anniversary , Aren't you proud you made it all the way to this point of time? I sure am . I may not have been to any of your super-shows , I may not have gone to your showcase , I may not have bought all your albums , but on the inside , I feel so proud of all of you , it doesn't matter how many albums I bought , but whatever happens , I'll be there to support all 15 of you . 13 + 2 = Family

You all may not be complete physically , but mentally , you all are one . From Leeteuk to Kyuhyun , or should I say , from Leeteuk to E.L.Fs , we are all family . I am so proud to say that I belong in this fandom , & I will belong in this fandom forever . This is my longest fandom to date , & I can't wait to see you in concert this January 29th. 

I may be 12 & I may be one of the youngest fans around here , but does it make a difference? I'm still a fan , not an ordinary fan , but a fan that will support you guys for eternity. 

look at this carefully . 

This showcases your achievements from this year . 2010 is definitely not your year , but you worked hard , very very hard . My heart aches to see you all working so fucking hard every time , putting in your best , not just for E.L.Fs but also your family & your friends & even yourselves.

It's great that Super Junior is leading in the Disk Bonsang Category , I am so so so so proud of every single one of you . 

Happy 5th Anniversary , Super Junior.


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